Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hesse Park

This past Saturday we went to Hesse Park This is a 160 acre site devoted to retaining the rural history of this area of Germany. Over a hundred houses have been dismantled from various sites in the area and transported to this location and restored to their original condition. There is a church dating from 1480 to an assortment of farm houses from the 15th to the 20th century. There are another 100 houses in storage ready to be reconstructed. This is an expensive process to which they appear totally committed.

This picture is in the town square before entering the park.

It was not an easy life. They build thatch roofs with no chimmnies. The smoke from their fireplaces would just be allowed to permeate through and up to the attic where they would cure their meats. Consequently, the houses were referred to as smoke houses. Families with 7 to 10 children would live under these smoky conditions, not realizing the health hazards. Average life span was about 42 years; understandable under the circumstances.


  1. Sounds like long days. I bet the houses are amazing. Are they furnishing it according to the time?

  2. Yes, a number of the houses were furnished. Others were devoted to particular crafts of the era of the house. The variety and assortment of handicrafts, pottery, and furnishings speaks volumes about the pride and craftsmanship of the German artisans.
