Auerbach Castle was mentioned in an earlier blog and warranted another visit because of its prominent position atop a cone shaped hill. The view from the tower was spectacular, particularly as the day was sunny and relatively clear. Additionally this castle was left in its semi ruinous state for the last few centuries so it captures its likely appearance over the past number of centuries. This was noted by the a fully mature pine tree growing along the walkway of an upper level wall. We spent quite a bit of time just taking in the scenery of the plain spreading below us. The accompanying youtube video gives one a more appreciative perspective than the pictures I have here.
This part of Germany is considered to be one of the mildest regions of Germany and the vegetation we saw suggest this is true.

Bensheim is a town located at the foot of this hill and promised to be worth a visit. Over the past 19 months, we have seem many small and mid size towns with their busy markets, half timbered houses, an old church or two replete with fountains, cobblestones and rustic charm. What is perhaps most appealing is the unique flavor each town offers. There is a tidy orderliness to the layout. Invariably there is a mix of old and new, but somehow the old town flavor is not lost in the mix. Winding streets, abundant greenery, a clean, well-looked after impression is left in one town after another. Herein lies the ongoing appeal as it speaks to the pride, work ethic and orderliness of the people. Irrespective of the age of each residence, due care is taken to protect the overall image it presents to those around it.
On a sunny day, the townsfolk like to gather in these delightful surroundings and sit or stand around a local eatery with a mug of beer and pass the time in pleasant company. Passing them individually on the street, there is little eye contact, as each appear preoccupied with some important matter, but given an opportunity, they will readily stop and talk with an acquaintance and engage in an animated discussion, quite oblivious to the throngs of people that may be around them.

Bensheim has a long history. Lorsch, a famous abby, one of the oldest intact sites in all of Germany, is not far from here. The rich plain and warm climate attracted early settlers and has been favored with constant habitations for centuries. Archeological digs establish indications of human population from 1500 to 2500 BC

Each town has at least one or more buildings that stand out for architectural design features, age or for what may have occurred there. As we entered a large square, straight ahead was a house that was painstakingly painted; tucked behind it is a hospital and to the far side is a church with barely enough room on each side to allow entry.
It was a most pleasant trip. The temperature was a balmy 50 degrees and as the pictures suggest the populace was taking full advantage of the sun.
This part of Germany is considered to be one of the mildest regions of Germany and the vegetation we saw suggest this is true.
On a sunny day, the townsfolk like to gather in these delightful surroundings and sit or stand around a local eatery with a mug of beer and pass the time in pleasant company. Passing them individually on the street, there is little eye contact, as each appear preoccupied with some important matter, but given an opportunity, they will readily stop and talk with an acquaintance and engage in an animated discussion, quite oblivious to the throngs of people that may be around them.

Bensheim has a long history. Lorsch, a famous abby, one of the oldest intact sites in all of Germany, is not far from here. The rich plain and warm climate attracted early settlers and has been favored with constant habitations for centuries. Archeological digs establish indications of human population from 1500 to 2500 BC
Each town has at least one or more buildings that stand out for architectural design features, age or for what may have occurred there. As we entered a large square, straight ahead was a house that was painstakingly painted; tucked behind it is a hospital and to the far side is a church with barely enough room on each side to allow entry.